

Hey Guys!
How are you? I am well. How has your week been? Mine went pretty good.
One thing I wanted to post was some of the things that have change with me lately. Don't worry! It's nothing too drastic.

I notice that I have been getting up really early lately. At one point, I was one of those people who had to be dragged down from my bed to start school. Most of the time I ended up being late. Recently, though, I have been up at 6am. Even in a slightly decent mood!! My mom is quite happy with the results she has been seeing.

I find that I am starting to like spending time by myself. In a house full of people, I have discovered how nice 'peace and quiet' really is. Now I get why Mom likes it so much. Alone, I have time to think previous decisions out better, and have time to fix them if they were bad (before they get worse). If they were good, then being alone gives me time to figure out how to keep up the good decisions.

I have also discovered that if I watch a sad movie, read a sad book, or listen to a sad song, that I will cry through the sad parts. Now I try to make sure not to do any of those things out in public, as I recently found it doesn't matter where I am when I do them. I always found it embarrassing when my mom and I would sit and something... like Steel Magnolias! I would be sitting there and look over to see my mom crying. Crying!! Couldn't believe it, until we recently watched it and I cried. Now it is no longer embarrassing, as we all sit there and cry through the ending. : )
Thanks for reading!

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